Here's an excerpt from an interview with Rene Ricard taken from Vice Magazine that I'd like to share with you for no other reason than because I quite like it:

How do you feel about state of poetry today, especially in New York?

I loathe poetry. I just gave a poetry reading, and other poets were standing up and reciting their rhymes from memory. I guess that's cute, you know, with the backbeat, but I loathe it. I don't like what I read in the New Yorker. I really like my own poetry a lot and I think that's why I write it. Of all the arts, it's the one I know the least about, and it's interesting that it's the one I practice and earn my living on. Anyway, yes, I like my own work. It speaks to me. [laughs]

That seems reasonable. It's better than acting like you're ashamed of your work, which so many poets do.

It sounds terrible because I have colleagues like Bob Holman, who I'm sure will hate hearing this even though I adore Bob and I like his work. But when it comes down to it, I like my own work the most. I don't think that I would proliferate it the way I do unless I really liked it.

Take from this what you will, if anything at all.


Dude! they trashed this vid. I would have been happier if they did the stereotyped hip hop theme. Kanye tried to do something different. The industry often uses women who are not as sexual to represent certain things, but West does the opposite. It's the same idea as his Flashing Lights vid. I still think it was a fail.

Ha! i commented on the wrong thing. My bad.

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