Man2Mannan is an unoffical duo between Mannan Ahmed (aka dj kthx) of and Kashif Pasta (aka K$) of

The group performed at Tamanawis Secondary's annual Coffee House last year that "included an original written just that morning - the creepy stalker song 'It's Complicated'." - Kashif Pasta

They hit the studio and recorded it for reals!

Click HERE for the lyrics.

So what's on the way from Man2Mannan in the future?

"Next up is a short film based on a character I wrote named K$ (pronounced Kay Money) - he's a suburban hip hop wannabe who really isn't very good, but he ha a lot of heart. He also has a blog at . On the music side K$ is getting his own album, and the first track, an intro to the character using DJ Khaled's beat from "Go Hard" is basically all written and ready to go. Oh and a video for it's complicated :P" - Kashif Pasta.

I'm hopeful for a cameo :)

Even though I feel like I'm tooting my own horn, Kashif also went on to say,

"You spend more than 5 minutes with Ms. Williams and you can't help but feel both smitten and inspired. I got this opportunity every day for a semester, so the fact that such an amazing song came out of it is hardly surprising"

These are my boys, they've taught me more than I would have ever expected to learn from them, and I love them. Haha I'm blushing!!

Favourite them, follow them on twitter, add them on facebook, whatever, just keep a look out because these guys are hilarious!!


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