"At one point I didn't think it mattered that I was a 'female in a male-dominated field.' My chosen name wasn't 'Miss' anything, and my style, erupting of its own accord, didn't care to identify me as a skirt or trousers. Right? A non-issue, let's move on. Well, no, maybe it was more than just a non-issue - somewhere in there was a ripping undercurrent, determined to force it not to matter, an aggravated internal voice whispering sharply, 'Fucking hell. Get over it already! Let's level this shit. I know who I am. Always have. My mama and my mama's mama put in a lot of years of struggle that I might take my chosen path, unfettered by a stigma about my gender. I don't want your bad rap and I don't want your extra props, 'cause I don't need either. I'll wreck house one way or another so don't blink because I'm coming."


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