Meghann Mcgrath is an artist that I have been a fan of since I first got a look at some of her work. She demonstrates a wide range of creative talents and I'm not sure what plans this 17 year old has for the future, but I strongly hope she continues with her work because it's ever so beautiful!

(handdrawn. watercolor on kicks by hand. 'rest ps.)

(acrylic, and acrylic ink on panel)

(also acrylic, and acrylic ink on panel)

My favourite was the caption below this last self portrait:

"better self

all these paintings are studies.
im completely a.d.d. with paintings. i go for 20 mins. and get bored...thus incomplete studies lol
annnd move on to the next one
thus a closet full of studies.

this one is called "an incomplete self"
some conceptual art bullshit about how we arent complete ourselves..an excuse to not finish a painting again really"


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