If you know me well enough you'll already know how big a fan I am of Beyonce Knowles (If you didn't know, now you do) so understand that writing this post wasn't easy! Beyonce is "the hottest chick in the game" and equally as talented. Although, recently she's been starting to piss me off. We all know how Kanye West feels about Beyonce's 'Single Ladies' video and yes, it is a better video than Taylor Swift's (bless her heart) but "one of the best video's of all time" it is definitely not. WAIT WAIT WAIT! Before you stop reading because you're tired of hearing about the Kanye West/Taylor Swift scandal I'll get to the two points I'm trying to make..
1) Her last four videos have been shitty. Well? Haven't they?
  • Single Ladies: Butt.
  • Ego: Kanye West spices it up, but still butt.
  • Diva: Poo.
  • Sweet Dreams: Bit of an improvement.. but for my arguments sake, I'm gonna say its bad.
Is any of this coming way out of left field for anyone? Or does everyone agree that her videos have been dull and repetitive?

2) Beyonce is nostalgic for her glory days in Destiny's Child.
Right???? Did anyone notice the common denominator in all 4 of her recently released music videos? Those two back up dancers! As mean as it is to say, they pretty much serve the same purpose that Kelly and Michelle did when Destiny's Child was together. Dance in the background while Beyonce takes center stage. Beyonce must miss having Michelle and Kelly by her side, but not enough to split the profit of her CD and concert sales..

Moral of the story: If you're in a girl group, don't go solo and make shitty video's because I won't like you anymore.

No I didn't mean that Beyonce I still love you!!!

^^^ But seriously, what the fuck!?!?

^^^ Do more of this, B.


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