Twenteen? No, Twenty. Goodbye Teens. Come January 24th of the upcoming year I'll be 20. No longer will I be able to grip my adolescence with both hands, white knuckled. It's a new era, not just for me but for the rest of the world. 2010 marks the end of the 00's and the beginning of the 10's. The dawn of a....Okay, so I'm making it sound a lot more epic than it really is, but you gotta admit, you were into it.

So what am I gonna do for my 20th? (assuming i don't wait till last minute when it will be too late to do anything REALLY cool) Throw myself a banger? Could do. Or, working in part with my new years resolution, I could do something I've never done before and invite you all to be a part of it!

Going into 2010 I'm not really feeling the club scene. Dressing up to waste money and scream in people's ears is starting to lose it's je ne sais quoi. ......but don't call me a hypocrite when you see me at the club for my birthday.


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