BEST BEFORE 31/12/09

2009 is about to reach its expiry date. What's going to be your slogan to live by for 2010?
Creating a New Years resolution for yourself is good, but we all know that by February you've probably gone back to eating Mcdonalds, smoking, not working out, and neglecting to spend time with your family.

To stay focussed, try surrounding yourself with reminders. The desktop of your computer, your password to your blackberry, or maybe a sticky note on your mirror where you get ready. The trick is to constantly be changing these reminders. If you have the same screensaver saying "GO TO THE GYM!" with pictures of skinny bitches or jacked dudes, eventually your going to get used to the picture, and it won't have the same effect it did at the start. You need constant reminders to instil your resolution into your day to day living.

But for real I wanna go the the gym on the regular... On that Kanye West Workout Plan!


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