Sex ruins relationships, right?
If you have it too soon, maybe. Sometimes it's the best way to get over a fight. A good fuck does wonders! Bad sex ruins relationships.

Do you think it’s a bunch of bull shit when people say “I have no regrets"?
To each his own, I definitely have regrets though. If I didn't regret I wouldn't learn.

There's a serial killer inside your house. What do you do?
Call Dexter!

What is the last thing you laughed at?
You had to be there.

What grade is the last person you texted in?
Goes to show a 20 year old shouldn't be writing these notes.

Your ex, what is the last thing you heard about him/her?
He's going to fight in the war

Have you ever told a guy to shave before you kissed him?
My dad! His whiskers hurt.

If you could have any last name in the world, what would you want?

Did you do anything risky last night?
I ran from a train.

Honestly, are things going the way you planned?
I need to have a plan to answer that question.

Do you slam doors when you're mad?
Like a motherfucker!

Do you tell your best friend EVERYTHING?
"Ok so then I inhaled.. and then I exhaled.." Pretty sure my best friends dont need to know EVERYTHING!

Looking back, did you ever think you would be where you’re at in life now?
I never really thought about where I'd be when I was 20. I'm still thinking about where I'm going to be in the next 5-10 years..

Who was the last person you made plans with?
I made plans to move away with Mishelle.

Is anyone protective over you?
My brother, my mother, my father.

Who's the first person that made you smile today?
My mom, breakfast in bed! <3

Has anyone told you they don't ever wanna lose you?
They lost me and then lost me again.

Is there someone you will always be attracted to?
There's lots of boys I find attractive. I'm not sure I'll find them attractive when we're 85!

Does the chair you're sitting on have arm rests?
I'm laying in my bed. LAPTOP SICK LIFE.

Tell me the truth, why did you fall for your last ex?
He was perfect to me at the time.

Have you ever dated the same person more than twice?
Yes, shoulda learned the first time!

Do you ever use caps lock?

Only when I REALLY want to emphasize something.

Do you and your ex feel the same way about each other?
No, I don't think so.

Is it important for your boyfriend to make you feel safe?
I love when they make you feel like that!!!! It's not like its part of the job description though, just comes with the territory.

Most meaningful thing said to you today?
"Your brother wanted to beat him up for you"

Are you anyone's first love?
I'm not sure. I care more about being someone's last.

When did you last throw up?
A couple weeks ago after one of Mishelle's parties!

Who came over last?

Do you look people in the eyes when you talk to them?
No! Well, sort of. I have eye contact issues. Eyes are the window to your soul. So personal!!

When was the last time you were told you were beautiful by a guy?

Think of the last guy/girl who said I love you, do you think they meant it?
My mom, without a doubt.

Who was the last person to play with your hair?
My dad. I had really bad back pain.

Do you think you will be married by the time you are 35?

If the person who recently pissed you off the most apologized would you forgive them?
I'd forgive him.. but it wouldn't change my opinion of him.


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