Rapper Lola Monroe (formerly known as model Angel Lola Luv)

She's clearly gorgeous, but talented? Eh. After listening a few tracks, her flow is sounding a lot like Nicki's. But worse.

Here's Lola talking about her and Nicki's beef(?) sounding to me like a pampered princess trying to act like she's hard. "I'm not really into the industry bullshit. I'm in it to win, make good music and all that" What's she even talking about? To me, it seems like she's playing up this beef and using it to gain some notoriety for herself. Looks like its working because I'm talking about her right now!

I tried to find a clip, article, anything, of Nicki talking about Lola. No dice. Lola is spending a heck of a lot of time talking about Nicki though...

Lola Monroe:
"I don’t do the Barbie thing… that’s her thing. I really don’t agree with it, that’s basic. It doesn’t make sense to me because first off, you’re basically saying I’m jacking somebody who has never been known to have their style all throughout their career. She’s never been set to have her own style. It’s always been set to say she’s jacking Lil’ Kim to Foxy [Brown] and now Lil’ Wayne. So how can I be jacking somebody or using somebody’s style if they never been known to have their own style. That part never made sense. That’s one. Another thing, it kind of comes from Wayne is in the foundation of my music and what I’ve listened to him for years and years. So you can hear his styles in my music. And you know, that’s her mentor and that’s somebody whom she’s under and so she’s known to sound like Wayne. That’s all they say about her now. I believe the similarities may have come from that but besides that, I have my own style, I have my own lane. She does what she does, ya feel me?"

From what I've heard she's mediocre, but if you want to find out for yourself listen to her "Lola Monroe Chronicals" tape.

I mean, really!?!?


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