I made Sushi Rolls this afternoon. Tasted heavenly so I thought I would share!
Here's the recipe I used:

2 cups Japanese rice
2 1/2 cups water
4 tbs. rice wine vinegar
4 tbs. sugar
1/2 tsp. salt

1. Put the rice in a bowl and was it in several changes of water untl the water becomes clear, stirring gently by hand. drain rice in a sieve for 1 hour. (i skipped this step due to impatience.. it turned out fine without having done this)
2. Combine rice and water in a pot, cover, and bring to boil on medium to high heat. Reduce heat to very low and cook for 15 minutes. Turn off heat and let the pot sit, covered, for another 15 minutes.
3. Mix rice with folding motion to make it fluffy. Insert dry tea towel under the lid to absorb excess moisture.
4. Transfer rice to a large shallow container.
5. Mix the rice wine vinegar, sugar, and salt together thoroughly and pour on the rice all at once. (I put them on separately, still tasted fine)
6. Mix quickly and gently with a wet wooden spatula while fanning the rice to cool it quickly.
7. Cover container with a damp tea towel until use but do not refrigerate. Use while the rice is as freshly cooked as possible.

Sushi Rolls (Assembly)

What you'll need:
Nori sheets
Cup of hot water
Bamboo rolling mat

1. Chop up whatever ingredients you want to put in your rolls. I used Avocado and Cream Cheese in mine. So I cut the Avocado into thin strips and placed them in a bowl until I was ready for them. The Cream Cheese I rolled into strips (about the width of the Nori sheets.)
2. Place a Nori sheet on top of the rolling mat. With wet hands, spread the rice on the nori in a layer about 1/2 inch thick, leaving a 1/2 inch border at the near and far end.
3. Place ingredients (Avocado & Cream Cheese in my case) on the rice nearest to you.
4. Roll the mat tightly away from you making sure that the mat stays on top of the roll and doesn't get rolled into it.
5. Lightly dampen edge of Nori sheet to help it stick before you finish rolling.
6. Cut the roll crosswise with a sharp DAMP knife (if knife is not damp, your roll will stick to it) and serve!
If you have wasabi powder, mix wasabi powder with water until it's the right consistency.

VOILA! There's a way to make it so the sushi is on the outside of the nori sheet, but it involves using saran wrap and I couldn't remember how to do it without my mom's help so if you figure it out.. let me know!


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