In the past year I made some decisions that caused me to lose a friend that was very close to me. It took me months to realize how much I miss that person. Once I came to that realization, it took me even longer to finally admit it to my best friend. She suggested I try and make amends because there's no sense in harboring bad feelings. She said I should send them a text or a message but "you probably won't do that because you're too stubborn to say anything to [that person]" I've thought about this, and I don't think being stubborn is really what's stopping me. There is something about putting myself out there that terrifies me. I am so afraid of rejection. If I allow someone to see that I feel, it makes me feel like a weak person. I fear that if I tell them I miss them, they'll use that vulnerability against me. But in reality, if they were to try and make me look bad that's not necessarily someone I would want to have a friendship with anyways.

On the other hand, in the past year I had a friend that did something that hurt my best friend very much, and consequently we stopped being friends with her. It's been almost a year now, and I'm sure that the initial anger and pain has worn off from everyone involved. The girl made no attempt to apologize to my best friend which at the time, I thought was the worst part. Now I wonder if she suffered from the same inhibitions that I do. A fear of rejection, and a fear of being vulnerable. Today, if she tried to extend a hand to try and make things right with my best friend.. would it be right of my best friend to reject her?

If someone did something bad to you, then came to apologize almost a year later is it considered too little too late? Or forgivable?


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