What's up with reality Tv these days? When did it stop being real, or was it ever? On almost every channel you can find The Real Housewives of (insert state here), The Hills, Laguna Beach, The City, Survivor.. the list goes on, and on.

My guess is that since TV isn't as popular as it used to be, television is becoming over-saturated with reality TV because it's cheaper and easier to produce. Stick a bunch of people in a house together, add some camera's, mix with booze and, voila! You have about 30 seasons of the Real World! ..As opposed to shows like Dexter, CSI, and Entourage where you're dealing with sets, actors, and writers that all need to be paid. So Reality TV says "Hey! Let's find a bunch of idiots that crave attention and fame and exploit them!"

This is America's world we're living in anyways..

Think critically.


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