BEST BEFORE 31/12/09

2009 is about to reach its expiry date. What's going to be your slogan to live by for 2010?
Creating a New Years resolution for yourself is good, but we all know that by February you've probably gone back to eating Mcdonalds, smoking, not working out, and neglecting to spend time with your family.

To stay focussed, try surrounding yourself with reminders. The desktop of your computer, your password to your blackberry, or maybe a sticky note on your mirror where you get ready. The trick is to constantly be changing these reminders. If you have the same screensaver saying "GO TO THE GYM!" with pictures of skinny bitches or jacked dudes, eventually your going to get used to the picture, and it won't have the same effect it did at the start. You need constant reminders to instil your resolution into your day to day living.

But for real I wanna go the the gym on the regular... On that Kanye West Workout Plan!


So in the mood to watch Blue Crush again.
Was I the only one that was obsessed with this movie when it first came out? I even had my mom buy me one of those roxy wetsuit shirts. or whatever they're called. I didn't even know what it was for but i wore it anyways!

I wish I could go to some far off island somewhere hot and live like they did. Where a sturdy surfboard trumps a fancy car any day. I say "I wish" I could do that because it probably won't happen. But really, why not?



Much, much love. After hearing this for the first time at work the other day, I'm impressed with the way this turned out. All quality tracks with a polished sound. Definitely found myself nodding along to it when that first track started.

FnL dropped the mixtape that shit sounded like an album!

Check it out, read a little more, and download the tape HERE.


I'd like these. (member my birthdays coming up) Cute.
Safety Pin earrings by Genevieve Jones


Twenteen? No, Twenty. Goodbye Teens. Come January 24th of the upcoming year I'll be 20. No longer will I be able to grip my adolescence with both hands, white knuckled. It's a new era, not just for me but for the rest of the world. 2010 marks the end of the 00's and the beginning of the 10's. The dawn of a....Okay, so I'm making it sound a lot more epic than it really is, but you gotta admit, you were into it.

So what am I gonna do for my 20th? (assuming i don't wait till last minute when it will be too late to do anything REALLY cool) Throw myself a banger? Could do. Or, working in part with my new years resolution, I could do something I've never done before and invite you all to be a part of it!

Going into 2010 I'm not really feeling the club scene. Dressing up to waste money and scream in people's ears is starting to lose it's je ne sais quoi. ......but don't call me a hypocrite when you see me at the club for my birthday.

MACINTOSH | iChristmas

So my parents pulled a fast one on me. Thought I was going to get a camera for Christmas but ended up with a Macbook! Here I am..

Feeling a little bit like this at around 1m 45s right now..



First of all, did you know in approx. 2150 we'll be entering the age of the aquarius? yeeeah motherfucker my time.

"Aquarius is aggressive and usually possesses more advanced ideas than their companions. Although Aquarius is one of the most impersonal signs, Aquarius is usually pleasant, friendly and cheerful. Aquarius knows just what to say and do to produce a given effect upon associates. Aquarius can be an interesting conversationalist because of their interest in education, new discoveries, and the latest developments of science and invention - as well as current events. Aquarius finds it easier to learn from hearing others talk than through the study of books.

Aquarius functions, more on the mental plane rather than on the emotional. Thus their unconventional and broad outlook sponsors practical activities along creative lines. Aquarius is well known for their interest in the very old or the very new. Aquarius has the ability to blend art and science into meaningful concepts, or to devise ultra modern uses for items, which hit the junk heap years ago.

Aquarius seeks the society of others because they love the interchange of ideas. Having strong likes and dislike, Aquarius frequently will take the opposite side of questions merely for the sake of discussion. (creepy, so true.) Sometimes this leads to Aquarius 's
worst quality. If this attitude is carried to far, Aquarius may be rejected. Then they can develop a nervous irritability and expound such wild ideas that Aquarian invites his/her own down fall.

When Aquarius is in a positive mood, Aquarius's purpose and aims are altruistic. This feeling of well being gives Aquarius the urge to solve all the problems of the world. Aquarius is greatly concerned with politics and religion and tends to view them from the standpoint of the welfare of society as a whole. However, Aquarius enthusiasm is greatly expended in theoretically solving the difficulties of mankind rather than in efficient action. He should learn that wisdom should be accompanied by practical application if he is to accomplish any-thing worth while.

Best quality: Enthusiastic
Worst quality: Argumentative

Significant Associations:
Planet - Uranus and Saturn
Number - 9
Letter - Th
Color - Sky blue
Tone high - G
Talismanic Gem - blue sapphire
Herbs - myrrh, spikenard.

Most compatible signs:
Sagittarius, Gemini, Libra, and Aries

Sagittarius', Gemini's, Libra's and Aries' HOLLAAA!


The mud scene is very Beyonce-Baby boy meets Christina Milian-Dip it low.
Wouldn't you say?

You can't knock this video. A pink tank? Sheeeeih.


Nicki is featuring the shit out of the music scene right now.


here's what i'm currently listening to:

b.o.b. - hi my name is b.o.b.
donnis - diary of an atl brave
wiz khalifa - deal or no deal
nicki minaj - beam me up scotty

lots of marques houston and omarion! been feeling my slowjams lately. ;)


Now I'm SURE that all of us girls have experienced something similar to this stand up comedy act by Anjelah Johnson before. It's funny cuz it's true!

Add my friend Kim Stoliker to Facebook and harass her to do the nail lady impression for you. Kills me every time!!


It's that time of year again.. On December 1st female self esteem will drop dramatically world wide! Men everywhere will be poppin' boners.

Hosted by Heidi Klum

A performance by the Black Eyed Peas


I just like her.



For all the Jordan fans out there.. Aurel David I see you!


What's up with reality Tv these days? When did it stop being real, or was it ever? On almost every channel you can find The Real Housewives of (insert state here), The Hills, Laguna Beach, The City, Survivor.. the list goes on, and on.

My guess is that since TV isn't as popular as it used to be, television is becoming over-saturated with reality TV because it's cheaper and easier to produce. Stick a bunch of people in a house together, add some camera's, mix with booze and, voila! You have about 30 seasons of the Real World! ..As opposed to shows like Dexter, CSI, and Entourage where you're dealing with sets, actors, and writers that all need to be paid. So Reality TV says "Hey! Let's find a bunch of idiots that crave attention and fame and exploit them!"

This is America's world we're living in anyways..

Think critically.


Here's one example of a Facebook marketing success story.. I just happened to read an ad for Koodo Mobile on Facebook, and it gave a link to check out the site. Now I'm on and it's looking pretty fucking boss.

I know we've all heard about Koodo Mobile because they're marketing pretty aggressively, but have you checked it out yet?

The website is interactive and offers relatively simple, easy to use, easy to understand services. We're beginning to see a lot of this kind of marketing (Apple comes to mind) People are tired being confused and dissatisfied with their cell phone service. Koodo clearly recognizes this.

Check out the "build a plan" option. Gives you exactly what you want without all the bullshit.

It makes me wonder if I should stop letting myself be bullied by Rogers, and switch over to Koodo!?


My last couple posts were about Miley Cyrus and Beyonce Knowles. It led me to wonder.. who has the more epic alter ego?

Beyonce's Sasha Fiece

Or Miley's Hannah Montana

Sasha Fierce allows Beyonce to pretty much do whatever she wants and not be held accountable as a role model. "Hey, I didn't say that.. Sasha did!"

Hannah Montana serves Miley no purpose. (that I can think of)

Let's wrap things up here.. I think both of their alter-ego's blow.


So I saw this video a while ago and I was talking to one of my friends about how big of a brat Miley Cyrus is..
Not listening to Jay-Z's music, or talking shit about him is to me, considered Blasphemy!!

My friend had a different spin on it though. By this point, Miley Cyrus has been in so many interviews I'm pretty sure she doesn't give a fuck what she says anymore. It's kind of badass if you think about it.

Don't get me wrong though..
She's for sure a spoiled brat and someone needs to put her on the Jigga Man.. (pause)

Oh and it's pretty sad how easy it was for me to find these raunch pictures of her. Just google her name. Does this remind anyone of the Nexopia days when grade 8 chicks would take pictures like this to try and get rated as the #1 hottest girl? or whatever it was called..



This is why Beyonce, or should i say "Sasha Fierce" is so dope.


In the past year I made some decisions that caused me to lose a friend that was very close to me. It took me months to realize how much I miss that person. Once I came to that realization, it took me even longer to finally admit it to my best friend. She suggested I try and make amends because there's no sense in harboring bad feelings. She said I should send them a text or a message but "you probably won't do that because you're too stubborn to say anything to [that person]" I've thought about this, and I don't think being stubborn is really what's stopping me. There is something about putting myself out there that terrifies me. I am so afraid of rejection. If I allow someone to see that I feel, it makes me feel like a weak person. I fear that if I tell them I miss them, they'll use that vulnerability against me. But in reality, if they were to try and make me look bad that's not necessarily someone I would want to have a friendship with anyways.

On the other hand, in the past year I had a friend that did something that hurt my best friend very much, and consequently we stopped being friends with her. It's been almost a year now, and I'm sure that the initial anger and pain has worn off from everyone involved. The girl made no attempt to apologize to my best friend which at the time, I thought was the worst part. Now I wonder if she suffered from the same inhibitions that I do. A fear of rejection, and a fear of being vulnerable. Today, if she tried to extend a hand to try and make things right with my best friend.. would it be right of my best friend to reject her?

If someone did something bad to you, then came to apologize almost a year later is it considered too little too late? Or forgivable?


I miss Eve, and songs like Gangsta Lovin'. Well, I'm hoping that since Nicki Minaj is currently the top female in the game.. (even though she wins by default because really, I can't think of any other femme fetalle who's currently making music besides Trina and Lil Mama.. but I'm not even gonna go there) maybe Eve and some other favourites will come out with some hot shit to challenge the self proclaimed "baddest bitch in the game". I'm keeping my fingers crossed for MC Lyte to come with it!

I tried to find more videos of her like the Satisfaction video and the Let Me Blow Ya Mind video but all the embedding was disabled. Damnit.


Remember my post about Minx nails a while ago?
I finally got them!


Damn.. let's take it back to 2003 before Kanye blew up.
"From Chicago Illinois please give it up for the future of hip hop"
"Imma be the best dressed rapper out in the game"

Is he?


click image to enlarge


(i know there aren't 50 stars, i was lazy)


B's a blackberry.. curve.. Shawty is a sidekick

Finally got a blackberry. It's not a bold but whatever it was cheap.

Why didn't anyone tell me how awesome they are? Like, I know you told me, but you didn't REALLY tell me.


Ryan is a 2004 animated documentary by Chris Landreth about the influential Canadian animator Ryan Larkin, who in later years lived on skid row in Montreal following a history of drug and alcohol abuse.

Co-produced by Copper Heart Entertainment and the National Film Board of Canada, Ryan is an animated interpretation of an actual interview with Larkin, conducted by the films director.

(via Absolute Astronomy)




So for Halloween this year I came up with the idea to be Taylor Swift and have one of my friends dress up as Kanye West on the night of the MTV awards. Personally, I thought it would be pretty funny but I couldn't find anyone to be it with me :( ... When I say I couldn't find anyone, I mean I only asked one person and then gave up so I guess it's kind of my fault.

So anyways, I don't want the costume to go to waste and it will be too outdated to do next year so I'm selflessly offering the costume idea to whoever wants it.. (picture me saying that with a single tear rolling down my cheek)

On the flipside, I need a costume idea! Requirements: Must be super easy, super cheap, and super brilliant.



Attention ladies!

Minx nails is popular with celebrities such as Lady Gaga, Beyonce, and Rihanna. They adhere to nails without chemicals or glue and can last up to 30 days. The nails are far more detailed than any manicurist could provide you with nail polish. And guess what amigas.. Socialite Nails in Surrey can glam you up with some Minx nails so you can "extend fashion to you're finger tips."


Katy Perry wearing Minx nails.


Chasing Mood is a new comedic web series starring Curtis Lum and Brendan Bertolini set to premiere TONIGHT! It follows the lives of two struggling actors trying to make it in the acting industry.

Check back later tonight for the first 8 minute episode of season one.
So excited for this! Hope you haven't forgotten you're promise, Culu.. I have dibs on at least one red carpet walk.



Play was written by Samuel Beckett in 1962-63. This was directed by Anthony Minghella. The woman on the left is the wife, the man in the middle is the husband and the woman on the right is his mistress. Very interesting constructs to be developed in this "Play". Plus it just trips me out because I'm high.


What do you think? Is it just me.. or has Rihanna been taking voice lessons, and they've been working?? I can't quite put my finger on it, but her voice sounds less annoying than it usually does. Sounds clearer. Anyway, VOILA! Rihanna's new song.

I like Chris Brown's shit better...



The caption on this last one should read: "If a plane crashed we could eat for days!"


Man2Mannan is an unoffical duo between Mannan Ahmed (aka dj kthx) of and Kashif Pasta (aka K$) of

The group performed at Tamanawis Secondary's annual Coffee House last year that "included an original written just that morning - the creepy stalker song 'It's Complicated'." - Kashif Pasta

They hit the studio and recorded it for reals!

Click HERE for the lyrics.

So what's on the way from Man2Mannan in the future?

"Next up is a short film based on a character I wrote named K$ (pronounced Kay Money) - he's a suburban hip hop wannabe who really isn't very good, but he ha a lot of heart. He also has a blog at . On the music side K$ is getting his own album, and the first track, an intro to the character using DJ Khaled's beat from "Go Hard" is basically all written and ready to go. Oh and a video for it's complicated :P" - Kashif Pasta.

I'm hopeful for a cameo :)

Even though I feel like I'm tooting my own horn, Kashif also went on to say,

"You spend more than 5 minutes with Ms. Williams and you can't help but feel both smitten and inspired. I got this opportunity every day for a semester, so the fact that such an amazing song came out of it is hardly surprising"

These are my boys, they've taught me more than I would have ever expected to learn from them, and I love them. Haha I'm blushing!!

Favourite them, follow them on twitter, add them on facebook, whatever, just keep a look out because these guys are hilarious!!


My last post inspired me to write another to showcase my favourite curvaceous women of the world! So here they are.

The first is obvious. I couldn't post this without including the woman that invented the word, "bootylicious" Beyonce Knowles.
Second, she makes me want to bleach my hair platinum blonde and wear red lipstick every day, Marilyn Monroe.
Third, Kim K.
An old favourite, J LO!
New on the scene, Amber Rose.
and finally, the inspiration of this blog post, Nicki Minaj.

Thanks to these ladies, I can look at Giselle Bundchen and not get pissed off.